Welcome to my oral history collection. I have a passionate interest in oral history and interviewing elderly people who have an interesting story to tell about their lives. If you know someone like that who lives in the Brisbane area or even a relative who has had an interesting life that you feel should be recorded, please contact me. I have done oral histories for my own family as well as other people, most of whom are listed below. I will continue to add to my collection. You can email me at mulligan53@iinet.net.au (you can copy & paste this email address to your email account)
Suzanne Mulligan BA
Life Member Oral History Queensland

Oral History by Suzanne Mulligan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
I did this “lightning” presentation at the Oral History Australia National Conference in October 2019.
My Queensland related interviews have been donated to the State Library of Queensland. See SLQ One Search – Suzanne Mulligan Oral Histories Archive, http://hdl.handle.net/10462/eadarc/8519.
Eric Abraham – a World War I veteran
Jackie Trembling– a former hairdresser and “Ten Pound Pom”
Jim Iliffe – a World War II veteran who escaped the fall of Singapore
Eve Scott – a WAAAF veteran who worked with the codebreakers in Brisbane
Denis Mulligan – a soldier’s experiences in World War II
John Piechowski – a World War II survivor who migrated to Australia
Bob Downey – Korean War veteran – fought in Battle of the Hook
Ron Perkins – Korean War and Vietnam War veteran – fought in the significant Battle of Kapyong in the Korean campaign
Ron Mahony – oldest “Old Boy” of the Toowong Rowing Club
Geoff Voysey – the last Chief Property Officer for Queensland
Hugh Willis– Queen’s Harbour Master in the immediate aftermath of the Falklands War
Cal Malouf – member Toowong Rowing Club
Olwyn Green – Korean War historian
Charlie Gibbs – member of the 1936 Antarctic expedition to rescue Ellsworth and Kenyon
Cecil Smith – worked in the Fingerprint Bureau from 1934 to 1959
Edith Edwards – member of Australian Women’s Land Army during World War II
Keith (The Count) Blicharski – champion speedway rider/driver of the 1950s and 1960s
Doreen Balfour – trained at Prince Henry Hospital, Little Bay in 1940s
Les Keefer – Club Captain of Toowong Rowing Club in the 1950s
Glenda Carson – former student and teacher at Richmond High School
Hazel Hernsdorf – stenographer for US Navy during WWII, ABC Toowong and United Nations
Jim Stratton – Dunkirk veteran
George Watts – New Guinea war veteran and pioneer driving instructor
Paul Vandeleur – pioneering Northern Territory cattle property owner
Betty Vandeleur – trained at Mater Hospital then lived at NT cattle station.
Alan Roaf – international rowing coach.
Muriel Bath – one of Queensland’s first policewomen
Bob Dansie – New Guinea war veteran and first Principal of Centenary Heights State School, Toowoomba
Bill Kearney – former prison warder at Boggo Road and Wacol Prison.
John Ready – engineer involved with building dams and the Ghan Railway.
Geoff Swindells – turret gunner on Lancaster bomber during World War II.
Peter Marsh – Australian Paralympian.
Doug Davis – served in Royal Navy during World War II.
Trevor Clifford – Botanist
Mal Lancaster – Defence Force photographer, specialising in F-111 fighter jet
Bill Smit – photographer and photography judge.
Father Peter Brannelly – Catholic priest who helped amalgamate Jubilee Parish, Brisbane.
John Preece – worked at the Carnarvon Tracking Station during first moon landing.
Bill Hatfield – oldest person to sail around the world unassisted, non-stop
Erika Redgrove – a World War II migrant who saw Australia become a successful multicultural country